Accountability is a very common theme in stories involving loki; whenever he fucks something up he comes up with a solution and fixes it. We must also hold others accountable for their actions AKA justice. When thinking about justice Loki and his family are probably far from the first thing that comes to mind and certainly the Lokean view of justice is certainly different than the more typical types of justice from gods like Tyr. This is not the justice of laws and courts the is justice on a more personal level. Loki Fenrir and Jormungandr give us good examples of this is type of justice. In the eddas Odin had Fenrir chained through no fault of his own and during Ragnarök he kills Odin and gets his revenge. Jormungandr was cast out into the sea by Odin and attacked by Thor, but he held back and didn’t bite Thor until it was clear no other solution could be found during Ragnarök; we know he didn’t because when Thor is bitten, he dies not long after. Loki was bound his children were killed bound and cast out and he started a war because of it. If you see yourself or someone else getting treated unjustly stand up to it.